Selecting Subject you need

The subjects displayed in the list are based on your chosen level and/or stream.

All subjects are displayed as Option Code. Each is categorised by their Subject Group: Languages, Humanities, Sciences, Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Subjects, and Creative, Professional & Vocational.

  1. You may scroll the page or use Ctrl + F to find the subject(s) you need

  2. Once you have found them, click on the checkbox at the most left to select it

  3. At the very bottom of the list, you can review the total Subject Selected and Total Subject Cost

  4. Once satisfied, click to continue to the final step

Please note that you may not take more than one Option Code of the same Syllabus. For example, if you have chosen Option Code: AZ for Information & Communication Technology (0417), you may not take its Option Code: DZ.

You also may not take a Syllabus due to another Syllabus you have selected. For example, you may not take Biology (0610) if you have selected Combined Science (0653).

The two limitations stated above abide by the rules set by Cambridge Assessment International Education. The system will automatically disable other subjects to prevent such mistakes, so no need to worry.

If you are unable to find your subject in the list, please refer to: Adding Subjects not found on list

Are you resitting the paper or carrying mark forwards? Please refer to: Resitting or Carrying Mark Forward?

Confused by the 'Exempted' subjects? Please refer to: What are Exemptions?

Have more questions?

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