Resitting or Carrying Mark Forward?

You can only resit subjects on the October/November Series for the previous May/June Series papers.

Mark Carried Forward subjects could appear in both series. You can easily check which Option Code provides the Mark Carried Forward feature by looking through the components.

Information and Documents to Prepare

  1. Previous Exam Centre Number

  2. Previous Candidate Number

  3. Previous Statement of Entry and/or Statement of Result

Applying Subject Resit

  1. Select the subject you are resitting

  2. A second checkbox will appear. Check this checkbox to label it as a 'resit'

  3. Choose other subjects that you may need then click to proceed

  4. In the popup, please fill in and upload the necessary information and document(s)

  5. Click to proceed to the final step

Carrying Mark Forward

  1. Select the subject you need, take notice of the components with the words 'Mark Carried Forward'

  2. Choose other subjects that you may need then click to proceed

  3. In the popup, please fill in and upload the necessary information and document(s)

  4. Click to proceed to the final step

If you have questions or require help, please contact the exam centre.

Have more questions?

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