Forgotten Password

Forgot your password? We can send you a link to create a new password and get back into your account.

  1. Visit here: Forgot your password? to request a password reset. Alternatively, you may find the link in the Sign In page

  2. Input the email you used for your account

  3. Click on ' Reset my password'

  4. Check your email for the Password Reset email, and click on 'Reset Password'

  5. Input your email and the new password twice.

  6. Click on ' Reset Password'

If you do not receive your Password Reset email, please refer to: Didn't receive any Email

If you don't remember your email, search every email account you use for the word "Examanix" to find any emails we've sent you. If you still can't locate your sign in details, please provide this information to help us find your account:

  1. Your Full Name (as per IC/Passport)

  2. Identification Number

  3. Your Current School

  4. Your Contact Number

Please note that resetting password will only work after the account is activated.

Have more questions?

Please contact the centre exam at: