Replace / Lost Certificate / Statement of Results

Replace Certificate and/or Statement of Results

Cambridge Assessment International Education replaces certificates and/or statements of results within 18 months of the date they originally issued them. After 18 months, you will need to apply for a certifying statement instead.

You could also request any amendments to the candidate's name, candidate's date of birth, and centre's name on certificates and/or statements of results.

The certificate and/or statement of results, however, must reflect the candidate's name as it was at the time of their exam. Changes that took place after the exam will not be reflected in these documents.

You must provide the original documents to request the replacement.

Please visit the exam centre to apply or for more information on the replacement application and fee.

Lost Certificate

Cambridge Assessment International Education does not replace lost certificates. You will need to apply for a certifying statement instead.

Cambridge Assessment International Education does not issue certifying statements for UNGRADED, NO RESULT, PENDING or TO BE ISSUED outcomes.

Certifying statements will be produced using the name given for the candidate at the time of the exam. If changes to candidate details need to be made on the certifying statement, please give details to the exam centre during application. Cambridge Assessment International Education cannot change a candidate’s name to reflect any changes that take place after the exam.

Please visit the exam centre to apply or for more information on the certifying statement application and fees.

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